Upcoming Events
"Luau to Fight Leukemia With the Kids of GH" Radio Spot
Posted June 13, 2007
Tune into Sirius Radio and listen to the Maxim Radio Channel (channel 180) to hear brand
new PSAs recorded by radio DJ/personality Vinnie Penn for the event, blood & bone marrow drives, and little Hailey Kent.
The spots will start airing this coming Friday the
15th at 3pm (Eastern Time). Other air times that we know of are also on Friday at 6pm & 9pm. We're told that it will probably
air on other days and times as well so keep an ear out for it.
"Special Guests Added to Event"
Edited July, 5th 2007
We're very happy to announce that Michelle Merring (Viola), Jason Gerhardt (Cooper)
and Sarah & Emma Smith (who formerly played "Kristina Davis Corinthos") will be joining the girls for their event! We're
still in the proccess of talking with some other cast members who may possibly attend as well...so stay tuned for more info
on any additional "special guests".
(*Please keep in mind that all guests availablity is subject to change*)